From our rice field to your table

Our rice is born in the fertile rice fields of Cascina Grampa. Thanks to the homogeneity of the soil, water and microclimate, each variety has a special uniformity of colour, shape, size and consistency of the grains.

The entire production chain in the field, from the choice of seeds to drying and storage, is followed by our company with artisanal care. Only the husking and packaging phases are entrusted to small local companies but always under the rigorous control of RisoTesta. The result is a good and reliable product which  is increasingly appreciated even by chefs and connoisseurs.

Our varieties: the ABC of rice

Many varieties of rice grow in Italy. Riso Testa has chosen to focus its attention on Apollo, white and brown, Baldo and Carnaroli, produced in the normal and Riserva versions.

for Apollo

Apollo,obtained by SA.PI.SE center in Vercelli from the natural cross- GMO free – between an asian rice and an italian one, is an alternative to Basmati and Jasmine aromatic rice.

for Baldo

Baldo is a rice of great value, the result of the cross between Arborio and Stirpe 136 varieties. Not widely known of the public outside the production areas in the territory of Novara…

for Carnaroli

Carnaroli  rice was born in 1945 from the cross between Vialone and Lencino varieties, from which it inherited respectively the good texture and the large size of grains”